Denise’s spiritual journey began as a 17-year-old when she had a dramatic near-death, after being shot by an unknown gunman. Her life-changing experiences and remarkable recovery set her on a spiritual quest that led her to explore the healing traditions of many cultures, including those of her own Cherokee ancestors, the Aborigines in the Australian bush, and the Zulus in Bophuthatswana. She trained with a Hawaiian kahuna (shaman), and Reiki Master Hawayo Takata. She was also adopted into a New Zealand Maori tribe. In addition, Denise lived in a Zen Buddhist monastery for more than two years.
Denise is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the author of the bestseller ‘Sacred Space’ and the award-winning ‘Feng Shui for the Soul,’ and has written 19 books, which are available in 29 languages. Denise has appeared in numerous documentaries and television shows worldwide. She has taught in 25 countries and has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC and CBS.
Denise is the founder of the Linn Academy, which offers certification programs in life coaching, feng shui, space clearing, clutter clearing, oracle card reading, dream coaching and much more. These are all programs that Denise created, and has taught for many years. Some programs are online, and some are now offered through trainers that she has certified. She currently offers Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioner Certification in intimate retreat settings starting again in 2023.
Learn some things about Denise that you might not know!
Learn the power of making a list of things you love, and Denise’s list!

“I believe in the majesty of every individual.
In my workshops, my intention is to create a safe and sacred space
where that majesty can unfold.”
David Linn and Star Mountain Ranch
Denise and her husband, David, live at Star Mountain Ranch in Northern California with their German Shepherd dogs, Bella and Kyler, and their two cats, Muse and Cider. Their land is called Star Mountain because the stars at night are so vivid and sparkling. Their home is located on a forested side of a mountain that was devastated by wildfires in 2018. Even though David and Denise’s home was miraculously saved, they lost most of the trees around them. The land’s rebirth, in the aftermath of the fires, has been slow but beautiful.
David is an award-winning artist; he creates beautiful landscape paintings. We feature these on the Linn Studio Page

Meadow Linn
Denise’s daughter, Meadow, works with her behind the scenes and also teaches with her periodically. Additionally, Denise and Meadow have collaborated on a number of projects, including Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest and The Mystic Cookbook, which was listed by PBS Food as one of the “Top 5 Cookbooks for the Holidays.” The Mystic Cookbook inspired Meadow’s keynote address live to 3,000 people, and streamed worldwide.
Meadow is a life coach and a Soul Coaching® Master Teacher. She has been an integral part of the Soul Coaching® program and philosophy since its inception. She supported Denise with the creation of the program and worked with her at the Soul Coaching® certification training workshops from 2003-2016.
She has a Masters degree in French Cultural Studies from Columbia University and a Bachelors degree from Williams College. She has a background as a teacher and coach in a variety of settings and age groups. Meadow currently teaches a wide array of in-person and online workshops. She also offers one-on-one coaching and she is a stellar editor. Additionally, Meadow is known for her healthy, delicious, and easy recipes.
She lives in Sacramento, California with her two young children (Denise’s grandchildren), border collie, and Maine coon cats.
For more information, connect with Meadow here.
Get to Know Denise Even More!