Choose the Eagle
Greetings Beloved Fellow Soul Travelers,Every month four our newsletter, we intuitively pull an oracle card . . . and the card for April comes from my Native Spirit Deck. The card that emerged was the Eagle Card. This is a card about seeing life from a...
Vision Quest
Greetings Fellow Soul Traveler, The oracle card pulled for this month is from the Native Spirit Oracle Card deck. The card is Vision Quest. This card talks about being a Sacred Seeker. It says, “Take time away from people and situations. Step back....
Greetings Fellow Soul Traveler, For the month of May the card that we pulled, from the Sacred Traveler Oracle Deck, was “Trust.” A few years ago, my client Jane said, “Denise my biggest challenge is that I don’t trust anyone. I’ve been betrayed and hurt so...
Greetings Fellow Soul Traveler, The card that was pulled for this month is Acceptance. Understanding the deeper energy of Acceptance is powerful. In its truest spiritual sense, it means being open to “what is.” It doesn’t mean that you need to put up with...
Today is Not Easy
Today's not easy. I have family and friends in the hospital. It's hard to see them suffer. Also, the pandemic is affecting so many of my peeps. Additionally the dense smoke from forest fires is back and it is 110 degrees outdoors. Yikes! (Why,...