Click the unmute for the Chakra Sound
The third chakra activates clarity, freedom and intuition. When this chakra is balanced, you experience decisive vision and courage. You feel in control of your life and you have good “gut reactions” to life’s circumstances. You are assertive and powerful (without being aggressive) and you have good personal boundaries. Please take a moment to relax and feel centered. Focus your entire awareness on the center of the shimmering yellow mystic gateway. Imagine that you’re inhaling and exhaling the essence of the color and the tones into your third chakra. (This is the area centered around your diaphragm/solar plexus/naval.) Alternatively, you can imagine sparkling, yellow energy filling your entire being. Just doing this will help to harmonize this chakra and activate the vibration of the color yellow into your auric field. It might feel like the golden fire-light of the Creator is purifying your being. (Yellow is the color associated with the third chakra.) You should begin to feel more focused, clearer and more determined to reach your goals. |
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