If you want to feel great, take time to list 100 things you love, things that make you happy or that simply tickle your fancy. I just did this and my heart is open, so very wide and deep.
I thought I might have trouble coming up with 100, but once I started, it was difficult to stop. It was actually kind of exciting. As I was making my list, I realized that this exercise not only opens the heart, but it also opens new possibilities, hope and faith for a fulfilling future.
As a suggestion, make a list of 100 things that you love. (Alternatively you can list 50 things you love to do, 50 things you love to experience, and/or 50 things you love to see, smell, taste and/or feel.) It doesn’t matter how big or how small those items are. It can be something small, like what tantalizes your taste buds? (For example, I love barbecue potato chips.) Or it can be an experience that you love, like what makes you laugh so hard that your stomach hurts? (I like silly jokes…the kind that a four-year-old might tell.) Make your list; take as long or as little short as you like. Do it all at once or keep adding to your list. It’s amazing how fast you’ll begin to feel good.
And while you are on a roll – you could write a list of 50 things that you like about yourself. This can be life-transforming. We spend so much time focusing on what we don’t like about ourselves that it can be exhilarating to just focus on what’s wonderful. They can be big things or small things…here’s a couple from my list of things that I like about myself:
- I have a great sense of rhythm. (Okay, not the dance-in-time-with-the-teacher-in-the-gym rhythm—I’m always the gal in the back row going left, when everyone else is going right.) But I can carry a pretty good beat on a drum.
- My voice is relaxing. I can’t sing to save my life, but I have a soothing voice to do guided meditations. People say I put them to sleep with my voice . . . and I think that’s a compliment?
After you do your list of things splendid about you, I guarantee that you will have only just scratched the surface of how awesome you are.
100 Things I Love . . . in no particular order.
(Okay, I squeezed in more than 100, but 100 sounds good).

- My husband, David, and his calm sense of humor and his non-judgment (especially about me.) For example, I recently accidentally ran into his truck with my car in our driveway. And he said calmly, “These things happen, we’ll have to get that fixed.” Awesome huh?
- My daughter, Meadow, and her gracious kindness. She inspires me to look for the good in every person and every situation.
- Laughing with abandon as I watch James and Clara, my young grandchildren, and their wild, amazing, ecstatic free-form dance moves.
- Laughing at silly jokes, or just laughing just for the heck of it. I love it when people laugh so hard telling their joke, that they can’t finish it.
- Having a totally clean and clutter-free, organized home…this juices me like nothing else. One of the best gifts I ever received was a friend volunteering to help me clean my home. I was in heaven!
- The smell of a freshly mown grass or hay
- Shooting stars
- Cloud watching – oh what messages they hold!
- Taking a photo at the exact right moment

- Pizza (albeit gluten free)
- Finding a great bargain
- Science fiction – books and movies
- The sound of a rain on a tin roof or the sound of a curtain of summer rain rapidly approaching
- Waking up to the sound of bird song or a rooster crowing
- Just about any NASA image
- Campfires on starry nights or bonfires on a beach
- Music while driving; it feels like I’m playing the soundtracks to my life
- Ravens, red-winged black birds, blue birds, vultures, crows and house finches
- Wind socks, wind art, wind chimes

- Dark chocolate . . . oh, yeah!
- Finding joy in the tiniest of things…like the shadow of a rose on the wall, or a ladybug landing on my balcony, or the smell of coffee brewing
- Giving myself up to a force greater – the Creator/stars/love
- Taking an outdoor shower on a hot day
- Elderly couples in love
- Hugging our sweet German Shepard, Bella, and petting our cats, Muse and Zydeco
- Trying to comprehend the sheer size of the universe
- The sound of crunching autumn leaves under my feet
- The kindness of strangers
- Learning something new

- Randomly catching a smell that reminds me of a certain place or time
- Reading Harry Potter all over again
- Getting an answer to a prayer
- Binging on Grey’s Anatomy
- Hanging out with people that accept me for who I am (with all my imperfections)
- Burying my face in a rose . . . and inhaling
- A cozy nap in the sunlight, or really . . . napping anywhere
- Fog and mist in all its forms
- Comfy, oversized pajamas
- A hot bath with a decadent amount of Epsom salt

- Essential oils – love them! Really love them!
- Stones of all kinds and gem fairs
- My husband’s cooking. He knocks it out of the ballpark every night.
- Not wearing a bra, whenever I can
- Creating art in all forms
- Seeing people who are genuinely happy
- Beeswax candles
- Natural incense
- Online shopping
- LOVE Christmas – the nostalgic music, over-the-top decorations, cooking, sappy Christmas movies, decorating the tree, lights . . . well everything about Christmas

- Sneezing
- Elizabeth Gilbert and all she stands for
- Coffee shops with great espresso
- Huge thunder and lightening storms and rainy days with pounding rain
- Of course, rainbows
- Listening to Country Western music while ironing
- Getting lost in a great book
- Cordless vacuums – how did I get along without them?
- The movie – The Family Stone
- Shopping in independently owned shops in small country towns

- Any kind of road trip
- Viggo Mortensen – what a great actor!
- New Age stores and most bookstores
- On a dark night, hearing a train whistle in the distance
- Silver hoop earrings
- True time traveling stories and UFO stories
- Losing myself in a dance where I dissolve into the rhythm
- Getting into a bed with clean sheets – heaven!
- Catching the morning sun peek over the distant mountains
- Singing aloud with a cheesy song in the car, in the aisle of a grocery store, an elevator…well, just about anywhere where cheesy music is played

- Sharing Thanksgiving holiday with loads of people that I love
- The first snow
- Scented geraniums
- Lilacs, roses and daffodils
- The smell of beeswax candles after they have been blown out
- Receiving unexpected money in the mail
- Listening to the ocean with a window open, on a warm night
- Having a full tank of gas
- The sound of tree frogs
- Reading haiku, writing haiku

- The songs of red-wing blackbirds
- Helping someone’s dreams come true
- Libraries in small towns
- Handmade pottery and handwoven fabrics
- Window nooks
- Seashells
- Swimming in a saltwater pool
- Hammocks
- Windchimes – really good ones
- Taking photographs in nature

- Reading glasses
- Slowing down, just before seeing a hidden police car waiting for speeders
- Watching popcorn pop
- Colored pencils
- Sushi, Thai food, Mexican food, Indian food, Italian food . . . okay I guess I just love food
- Creating something beautiful out of something old and discarded
- Pouring a fizzy drink to into a glass that looks like it’s going to overflow, and then it recedes down just in time
- Pumpkin pie
- Swelling with pride at all my gracious, courageous daughter has achieved in her life
- The smell of onions and garlic cooking

- Grilled zucchini
- The crackle of a fire in the fireplace on a cold night
- Not being on a computer
- My Facebook community – Wow!
- Ironing my pajamas (Okay, it’s weird, but who doesn’t love to put on perfectly ironed PJs?)
- Feathers that seem to magically float down from the sky
- Mysterious, magical unexplained events in life
- All the dishes done and all the kitchen counters cleared
- Unexpected windfalls and good luck!
- My glorious, fabulous, remarkable friends!!!!