A mystical adventure through space and time beckons you! Each journey through The Time Traveler’s Oracle can activate secret messages from the depths of your soul—and from the Universe. Simply stepping through the space-time continuum sparks profound, positive shifts and changes within you.
Time traveling–which is the ability to travel from one temporal locale to another–beckons us to learn and grow. While traditionally we think of this as a journey into the past or future, from a spiritual perspective, it can also be lateral travel into a different locale at a different time. It’s a sacred pilgrimage that allows you to see the world, the Universe, and yourself with new meaning and new perspectives.
From the earliest history of humankind, people turned to visionaries to gain insight into their lives, and these seers stepped through mystic gateways into other realms–and other time periods–to bring back answers and give meaning to the seemingly random events of life. These seers were the earliest time travelers. It’s no longer necessary to turn to a seer; you have the innate capacity to travel through divine entryways to obtain an understanding of the circumstances of your life.
Deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you, and find the long-sought answers to your most heartfelt questions, as you take an extraordinary voyage to different locales and time periods. Using the power of your consciousness/imagination–with oracle cards as guideposts along the way–you will be transported to powerful sites, such as:
- The Venice Renaissance in Italy
- Uluru in Australia
- The River Nile in Egypt
- The Amazon Rainforest in Brazil
- The Taj Mahal in India
- The Northern Lights in Iceland
- A Zen Monastery in Japan, and so much more.
Denise’s Other Oracle Decks
Sacred Forest Oracle Deck
Meet nature spirits and discover the hidden realms of the Sacred Forest with 52 oracle cards and guided meditation audios from best-selling author Denise Linn.
Each card in this oracle deck is a special key that opens an energy portal to the Sacred Forest, a sacred realm similar to the legends of Tibetan Shambhala, the Mists of Avalon, and the Australian Dreamtime. Over the years, transformational teacher Denise Linn has used guided meditations to lead thousands of people into this magical dimension. Now, with this oracle, you can expand your consciousness and chart your own course through the vast mysteries and wonders of this inner landscape.
Colorful and intricately layered art adorn each of the 52 cards with depictions of ancient nature spirits and guardians of the realm. Storm Spirit invites you to embrace chaos; the Enchanted Fern Grotto offers refuge. The cards tap into natural forces and your own inner knowledge to shed light on answers to long-sought questions.
Sacred Destiny
“You have a sacred destiny; we all do. …” From the earliest history of mankind, there are records of native people using the signs in nature to determine their destiny. Wise elders were able to move through mystic gateways into inner realms, and bring back wisdom and guidance to their tribes.
In this powerful oracle card deck, Denise Linn draws from her Native American heritage and experience as a gifted healer and teacher. With each card, you receive access to a different gateway, from our earthly realm to the one of Spirit. From forests to floodplains, meadows to caves, shimmering sunshine to the dark mysteries of the moon–these vibrant cards will fill your days with messages of Spirt, from the landscapes within and around us.
May your inner guidance awaken, and may the wisdom of the native spirit unfold within your life! Read More
Native Spirit Oracle Cards
This deck profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you.
These oracle cards were birthed at the base of a sacred mountain, and they carry the mystical energy that surrounded their birthing. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and immediately discern your own unique, secret messages from the Universe.
Gateway Oracle Cards
Denise Linn is the founder of the Gateway Dreaming certification. This deck holds the keys to unlocking the ancient wisdom within you. They reveal a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you and also learn how to give accurate, heartfelt readings to others.
This deck and accompanying guidebook help you interpret the signs that are all around you, from your nightly dreams to the coincidences, synchronicities, and symbols in your waking life. The Universe is always whispering to you, and the Gateway Oracle Cards assist you in understanding these secret messages from the realm of Spirit. An enchanted voyage awaits you. The keys through the gateway are in your hands!
Sacred Traveler
There are secret messages all around you; it’s simply a matter of being able to hear them. In this graceful and elegant card deck, best-selling author Denise Linn guides you in understanding the events, signs, and coincidences in your life, leading you toward a personal and spiritual transformation. Denise’s sage guidance helps you transcend and activate your intuition, realize your life’s purpose and potential, and achieve a genuine state of peace.
These Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards assist you to step behind the mystic veil into hallowed dimensions that will align your inner spiritual existence with your outer life. Each card interprets the signs that are around you and deciphers the secret messages of the universe—from Answering the Call to Discovering Truth to Infinite Abundance, and more! Use these cards every day and you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you. Your journey starts now . . .
Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards
This first deck from Denise can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkably accurate, heartfelt readings . . . as well as help you touch the sacred place within. You’ll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!
Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reader Certification Course
Denise Linn created this certification of Oracle Card readers as a way to honor that each client truly knows their own truth, and readers can assist them in finding that inner wisdom. She trained some of her Soul Coaching® practitioners to be Certified Card Readers, and then created a more in depth course of study, with these graduates becoming Master Oracle Card Readers.
Learn more about becoming certified, or find a reader who has been trained in her methods
Audio Meditation CD’s
Denise loves to lead people on guided journeys, and has been consider the cosmic DJ who can lead people into phenomenal life changes with these meditations. These are just a few that she has done over the years.
33 Spirit Journeys – Meditations to Live More Fully, Deeply, and Peacefully
Each meditation and visualization in this remarkable CD program serves a specific purpose, helping you expand your awareness, deepen your intuition, transcend limiting thought patterns, and activate your ability to manifest your dreams. Using calming music, powerful relaxation techniques, and Denise Linn’s soothing voice, every life-enhancing Spirit Journey clears and harmonizes the mental, physical, and emotional bodies of your energy field.
Embarking on these sacred inner journeys supports you in creating a lasting communion with your spirit helpers and guardian angels on the other side, as well as balancing your chakras. You can listen to each of the journeys individually, or use them sequentially for maximum effect.
Journeys into Past Lives
Denise Linn has devised a process that can put you in touch with past lives, even if you don’t believe in them! The benefits are enormous.
The past lives you experience using these potent techniques and guided meditation processes can contribute to healing, self-improvement, and transformation. You can also find out what past lives you shared with the loved ones in your present life.
Complete Relaxation – 2006 CD set