What if there were one single, powerful practice to help you improve your health, find balance, increase your abundance, nurture uplifting relationships, and create the future you’ve always dreamed of?
There is: clutter clearing. Though simple, it’s not always easy—but this hands-on journal gives you the expert guidance and deep inspiration to clear clutter in all its forms from your home and your life.
In these pages, Denise Linn draws on her highly successful online clutter-clearing course for tools that delve much deeper than simply cleaning or organizing. The journal explores the emotional roots of our clutter, why we hold on to it, why we should release it, and the energy around it, with thought-provoking questions and spaces for writing down your reflections. For example, if your clutter represents your fear of not having enough (or even not being enough), you will learn how to step beyond that fear and confidently believe that you have enough and are enough. And when you clear clutter at its source, it won’t reappear!
More about Denise’s Feng Shui and Space Clearing school, Interior Alignment®
Best-selling author and originator of the term “space clearing,” Denise Linn offers a comprehensive and practical guide to transforming the energy in any environment through both modern and traditional methods such as feng shui, clearing clutter (whether physical, emotional, or spiritual), essential oils, crystals, and more.
Space clearing is the art of cleansing and harmonizing the energy within an environment. This practice has the power to not only make your home feel good but also help those within to feel more positive and energetic, to bring balance to relationships, and to remove blocks for increased abundance, creativity, and well-being. In this comprehensive guide to space clearing, internationally best-selling author Denise Linn distills more than 45 years of experience as a leading authority in energy healing to guide you through ancient rituals and modern techniques for regaining control of the energy in any environment, including your home and your body. You’ll learn how to transform any space using feng shui, clutter clearing, prayer, crystals, essential oils, mystic mudras, holy water, pendulums, and more!
More about Denise’s Feng Shui and Space Clearing school, Interior Alignment®
Energy Strands
Native shamanic traditions tell us that there are cords, strands, threads, and filaments of energy that flow to and through us, connecting us to everyone and everything in the Universe. Some energy strands make us feel vibrant and alive. Others deplete and weaken us. Most of s are unaware of these energy strands, but they are extremely powerful forces that surround us every day.
Kindling the Native Spirit
This book deepens your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. When you ignite your native spirit, your intuition and sense of self expand exponentially. In this empowering book, Denise shows you how to connect with your personal Spirit Animal, embark on Spirit Journeys, and experience Vision Quests. She provides step-by-step instructions on how to make a drum, a rattle, a dream catcher, and even your own medicine bag.
Hidden Power of Dreams
Dreams are secret messages from your soul, as well as from the realm of spirit. They can be your greatest tool for profoundly understanding your life, yet few people recognize how to access this tremendous source of guidance and wisdom. In this fascinating book, Denise brings you simple ways to utilize your nocturnal travels for spiritual transformation. Denise herself has journeyed into the space between two worlds through a near-death experience and has brought back invaluable perceptions that she shares within these pages. (earlier release title Pocketful of Dreams)
Secrets and Mysteries
This book will give you a profound understanding of what it means to be a woman. Full of passion, mysticism, and practical information, it will tap in to the source of your power at the depths of your soul. Through her own extraordinary life experience and her knowledge of native cultures round the world, Denise Linn reveals how you can activate ancient wisdom to become a magnificent woman of strength and grace—in other words, how you can become a Glorious Woman!
Soul Coaching®
This dynamic program is dedicated to a total inner and outer clutter clearing of of your life: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. If you keep bumping into the same walls in life or you keep repeating the same negative patterns, there is probably a buried blockage that is stopping you from fulfilling your dreams.
The Soul Loves The Truth Denise Linn believes that you don’t need to suffer to grow and that your life can be filled with joy no matter what has happened in your past. Although her life has been very challenging at times, this remarkable woman discovered some secrets that can help you overcome a difficult past, mend present relationships, manifest your dreams, and infuse joy into every waking moment. This book brings you 33 powerful processes to reprogram your past; rise above negative, limiting beliefs; get motivated; and fully understand your purpose. Read More
Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!
This Soul Coaching® book guides you through the 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality. Your body is a receiving station for secret messages from Spirit. Based on Denise’s original Soul Coaching® Program—you’ll unweave hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life-force energy and your body’s spiritual radiance!
For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and attain self-knowledge. Now international lecturer and healer Denise Linn and Meadow Linn draw on their Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create a carefully crafted spiritual program for anyone wishing to venture on a retreat or create a uniquely personal Quest of his or her own.
If I can Forgive, So Can You
This is the remarkable autobiography of author Denise Linn. In this triumphant memoir, Denise speaks with a compassionate yet fiery conviction born of deep pain, as she describes overcoming an abusive childhood and the terror of being struck down by a gunman’s bullet. With deep insight, she shares her consequent revelations beyond death’s door. (Book is also found under the title How my Death Saved my Life )
Past Lives, Present Miracles
Miracles can occur in your life, easily and effortlessly. It’s simply a matter of remembering who you are—and to do this it’s necessary to clear the blockages that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in your distant past, so it’s valuable to travel back in time to release them. However, most of us are so caught up in limiting beliefs about who we are that it’s almost impossible to take that journey. In this book, you’ll learn how to travel back to your previous incarnations to release buried obstructions so you can create the miracles in your life that you deserve! It’s safe, easy, and fun . . . and anyone can do it! (under the title Past Lives, Present Dreams)
Four Acts of Personal Power
If it weren’t for the immense energy that we put into denying who we are and into perpetuating emotions such as depression, repression, and self-doubt, life would be a continual revelation of joy and well-being. In this inspirational yet down-to-earth book, renowned healer and teacher Denise Linn draws upon her own story, as well as from wisdom she’s gathered from native cultures around the world, to help you heal your past and create a fulfilling future. This book guides you through four profound acts of personal power that assist you in breaking free from negative family and ancestral patterns so that your light can help illuminate the world. (also under the title of Sacred Legacies)
Feng Shui for the Soul
In this inspirational yet down-to-earth book, renowned healer and teacher Denise Linn draws upon her own story, as well as from wisdom she’s gathered from native cultures around the world, to help you heal your past and create a fulfilling future. This book guides you through four profound acts of personal power that assist you in breaking free from negative family and ancestral patterns so that your light can help illuminate the world.
More about Denise’s Feng Shui school, Interior Alignment®
Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Everyday Living
“The creation of an altar is a sacred act, an act of power and grace. For a few timeless minutes you enter a dimension beyond ordinary reality, where light, sound, and energy merge into an exquisite state of being.”
The human urge to create physical sacred centers for our lives is so deep that we often create them unconsciously. Photos on the dresser, personal objects on our desk or around the computer are tangible tokens of our longing for balance and wholeness–and of our attempts to strengthen connections between our loved ones, nature and community, and other great sources of spiritual power.
More about Denise’s Space Clearing school, Interior Alignment®
Secret Language of Signs
In every moment the universe is whispering to you. Even ordinary events in your life carry communications from the realm of the Spirit. . . . Whether we are conscious of it or not, the universe is communicating to us through signs. In this mind-opening book, renowned healer and author Denise Linn shows that coincidence, synchronicity, and those premonitions we’ve all experienced are never accidents but a kindly world’s way of trying to nudge us in the right direction. (Also under the title of Signposts)
The Mystic Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food
Filled with ancient wisdom, practical advice, personal anecdotes, vibrant ceremonies, and original dishes lavishly illustrated with color photographs. In Denise Linn and Meadow Linn’s extraordinary book, learn little-known secrets about the food you eat and how it can mystically transform your life!
Sacred Space
“Our homes are mirrors of ourselves. Through them we can interface with the universe.”Everything in the universe is composed of constantly changing energy, including your home and its contents. This energy can profoundly influence your ability to be healthy, loving, creative and abundant. By clearing and enhancing this energy you can transform your home into a sanctuary which radiates positive energy in ever-expanding circles.
Space Clearing
Whether you have a particular problem or simply want to give your environment a spiritual spring clean, Space Clearing enables you to bring positive energy and harmony into your home.
More about Denise’s Space Clearing school, Interior Alignment®
Space Clearing A to Z
Offers an alphabetically-arranged introduction to feng shui techniques to clear the home of stagnant or negative energy, while exploring the efficacy of crystals, smudging, chi, chimes, flowers, water, salt, and prayer.
More about Denise’s Feng Shui school, Interior Alignment®